Tag Archives: Paraguay
Week 5: A River, a Boat and a Thousand Stories
Looking for the tourist-information-office Concepción that Lonely Planet promised us (but apparently doesn’t exist) we found something better. In front of a restaurant, under a sign ‘Tourist-Information’ we met Dirk-Peter, a German who came to Paraguay twenty years ago, married … Continue reading
Foreign Haircut
A room somewhere in Paraguay. An old man between 60 and 70, is sitting in on a bench left to the entrance. A single table-mirror-stool-combination in the right corner is the only sign that this room actually serves a purpose. … Continue reading
Week 5: On the Slow Road
I’m on a boat. Somewhere between Asunción and Concepción on the Rio Paraguay. The sun is shining, but the wind is cooling enough not to let me sweat. I’m lying in the nose of the Cacique II, a small boat … Continue reading
Week 5: A Magical Night
A tiny step for humanity, but what a leap for me! I, Jakob Arnim-Ellissen, on the 8th of August 2009 managed to sleep. In a bus. A Bolivian bus. A Bolivian bus on an unpaved road. Truly amazing. But I … Continue reading