Monthly Archives: September 2009
Walk on
I had spent about a week in Port Ronan, a couple of houses on Malin Head, a peninsula proud to be the most northerly spot in Ireland, when for the first time I was going to have really bad weather. … Continue reading
Melmoth and Me
Through the first half of my Christmas travels Melmoth the Wanderer was a faithful companion. I had started with Maturin’s novel shortly before I left Limerick and had read it while waiting at the side of the road for my … Continue reading
Irish Christmas. Part Three: Johnny.
In that last night, while I was signing coasters and Theo earned a new nickname, our host Johnny hit the pubs too. He played guitar with the Mulkerrin Brothers in the American Bar and later joined us for a couple … Continue reading
Irish Christmas. Part Two: The Goat Guy.
When Tony had left to look after his horse he was replaced by John, another Irishman from Dublin. A musician and gifted teller of all sorts of stories (but not a ‘storyteller’ in the primary sense) he was to be … Continue reading
Irish Christmas. Part One: Tony.
Four days after Christmas I was standing outside my hostel and gazed through the window into the kitchen. With me was Bonnie, a student from Australia and while I was more amused than shocked, Bonnie seemed more horrified than amused. … Continue reading